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The Midwest Retreat Centers is an organization that was created in order to acknowledge and support our sister retreat centers in the Midwest. The organization allows us to support and collaborate with each other in our ministries to help individuals and groups grow in their spiritual lives. Although we offer many different programs and activities, we are alike in our mission to serve each of you, to welcome each of you to these beautiful places of prayer. Make plans to visit soon!

Bergamo Center

Dayton, OH

(937) 426-2363

Benedictine Hospitality Center

Ferdinand, IN


Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House

Indianapolis, In

(317) 545-7681

Flaget Center

Louisville, KY 


Jesuit Spiritual Center

Milford, OH


Lial Renewal Center

Whitehouse, OH

(419) 877-0432

Lindenwood Retreat & Conference Center

Donaldson, IN

(574) 935-1780

Mt. St. Francis Center for Spirituality

Mt. St. Francis, IN


Nazareth Retreat Center

Nazareth, KY


Oldenburg Franciscan Center

Oldenburg, In

(812) 933-6437

Providence Spirituality & Conference Center

St. Mary of the Woods, IN


Seton Cove Spirituality Center

Indianapolis, IN 


Sisters of Charity Spirituality Center

Mount St. Joseph, OH

(513) 347-5449

St. Meinrad Guest House

St. Meinrad, IN 


Transfiguration Spirituality Center (Episcopal)

Cincinnati, OH

513-771-2171, X 161

Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Retreat Center

5440 Moeller Ave

Norwood, OH 

(513) 351-9800

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