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"In the first place it should be known that if a person is seeking God, His beloved is seeking him much more."
              -St John of the Cross


Spiritual Direction
Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect in spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is a sacred time when you talk about your relationship with God, self, and others. 

How often & where will I meet with my spiritual director?

Meetings with your spiritual director can be at the Benedict Inn or at another mutually agreeable location.  After the initial interview, meetings are usually scheduled for one hour, once a month.

What is the fee for spiritual direction?

The importance of any spiritual ministry is beyond any monetary nature.  Fees are agreed upon at the initial session, based upon the needs of both the director and directee.  Typically, fees range between $25 and $65.

What is Spiritual Direction?

People everywhere are longing for a closer relationship with God. Our spiritual journey is not one we must walk alone. Yet, who can lead us on this journey?  Spiritual direction (also known as spiritual friendship, mentoring, or companioning) has been part of the Christian tradition that has existed throughout the ages. It is a prayerful relationship with a trusted companion in our search for God.

Spiritual Direction is:

  • A confidential, ongoing relationship between a trained, competent, director and someone (a directee) who desires to grow in a relationship with God.

  • Guidance which enables us to listen for God's voice in our everyday life experiences.

  • A mechanism for fostering spiritual growth.

  • A process that allows us to live more fully in God's presence.

  • Honoring the desire to go deeper in our life with God.

  • Believing God is central in discernment/decision making.

Is spiritual direction the same as counseling?

Spiritual direction is different from therapy or counseling. The primary focus of spiritual direction is for the directee to develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God. Whereas counseling or therapy focuses on changing a behavior or attitude.


Are you interested in participating in spiritual direction?

For more information on spiritual direction or locating a spiritual director, please contact a trained Spiritual Director at

Choosing a Spiritual Director

To begin your journey, you will have an initial interview with a trained Spiritual Director.  Following your interview, you will be given a list of possible spiritual directors. Take time to speak with each director on the list to help you determine which relationship might seem the best for you. It makes no difference if the spiritual director is a member of your own faith tradition or the same gender. This is strictly a personal preference. This should be decided based upon your comfort level and through prayerful discernment.

When choosing a spiritual director, look for someone who you can openly and honestly talk about your faith journey.


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