Benedict Inn Retreat & Conference Center
For peace of mind, body & spirit
Did you know...
We frequently don't realize the impact our purchases and buying decisions have on others. For instance: Did you know that when you purchase a lovely handmade item from one of the sisters, you are supporting the ministries of Our Lady of Grace Monastery? The Benedict Inn Retreat & Conference Center (a ministry of Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove, IN) is funded only through our programs, retreats and services, purchases from Shop INN-Spired Gift Shop, and donations from you. While we do not receive financial support from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, we are in service to them. If you or someone you know is looking for a place to host a meeting, group event or conference, please consider the Benedict Inn, where all are "welcomed as Christ". If you cannot attend one of our many programs or retreats, please share the information with a friend or family member who may need "peace of mind, body & spirit."